Friday, November 12, 2010

OVERWHELMED...... That just sums it up.  There has been so much going on in my life lately, it is just one thing after another with no break in between.  I am faced with so many changes, so many decisions, so many things all at once.  It is very easy to sit and say "Oh, everything will work out just fine" and it is a whole other thing to believe that in your heart. It is great to have options, thing to choose from but what do you do when you don't feel in your heart that any choice you make is going to be the "right" choice for you.  I mean you have to pick.....I mean it is not like you are deciding which pair of those jeans make you look better, which ones do you want. I am talking choices that no matter which you choose will be changing your life.  Restructuring.   These are not decisions I take lightly at all.  Important decisions should not be made on a whim, they should be made with great thought and consideration and sometimes it just seems that adequate time is not given to make these decisions.  Today was to be a day off with just a couple morning errands.  It turned into a very hectic even filled day.  Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for options, choices, I just seem to be finding great struggle in them regardless of which direction I look......

"Good timber does not grow with ease. 
The stronger the wind the stronger the trees."

~ J. Willard Marriot

Not so sure I am feeling this one today........................