Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh my.....and it is only Tuesday!  I mean Monday's stink, lets all just face it, we know it.  Yesterday in particular was a yucky day for me and well it just happened to fall on a Monday making it a big fat double whammy!  So needless to stay I clearly started the week off wishing for Friday before it had even started.  Situations are not always what we want and we do the best to deal and move on which is what I sort of felt like I was doing all day long yesterday.  Full or ups and downs for sure.  I was briefly reminded that there are some truly genuine, caring people out there when a friend of mine heard is little girl broker her arm at school and he literally just dropped everything, picked up, left NC and headed to GA to be with her.  I mean I was in a car accident at 16 and well since I was still breathing mine just went about his daily routine and saw me whenever it was he got home that evening. Oh well move on Whatever.  I was glad to see such genuine care and concern in someone.  Someone that would do whatever necessary to brighten the day of the one he loves so dearly.  Sweet!  I mean apparently there are 2 or 3 left in world.  

On the other side of that I was also filled with reminders yesterday that the moment you get excited, the moment you think someone has opened their eyes and stepped out of the "bubble" they call life and have turned over a new leaf......Oh wait, that is no new leaf at all.  It is simply the glare from the sun or gloom from the overcast day that made that leaf look like a new one but it was just your eyes playing tricks on you.  Not a thing had really changed! Oh well, guess the thought was nice while it lasted and so once again Oh well, move on, whatever.

Today started off with a lovely Workers' Compensation Audit.  Yes, an audit.  What flipping joy that is.  To add to that my allergies are so awful that until the auditor left and I could take my contacts out and clean them once again my vision was horribly blurry.  I had to restart my computer 3 times before they arrived just so I could get some work done.  Seriously, it is very frustrating to try and work and not be able to because your computer belongs in the middle of the highway awaiting the next 18 wheeler that would like to take the pleasure in putting it where it belongs!  Regardless, I put a smile on and was oh so super friendly until it was over.  I mean really, you don't want to irritate any type of auditor for any reason.  They will stick it to you one way or another if they don't like you.  It is what they do.  

It is only 85 right now which is a nice change but still humid.  Yuck, not a fan of humid!  I didn't get to workout all week last week and it is really starting to take its toll on me.  I have a workout partner but they have been so very much slacking and negative about it all I am starting to think I will be going it a lone from now on which stinks, I don't do as well when it is just me.  Oh well, move on, whatever.  

I think that will be my response to everything this week.....HA!

No pictures today, sorry, I will try and do better about that.

"I have noticed even people
who claim everything is predestined,
and we can do nothing to change it,
look before they cross the road."

~ Stephen Hawking


  1. oh Serenity. You aren't your normal cheery self today! It's okay. Everyone is entitled to a blah day. Perk up! Count your blessings and remember that things could be worse. You know that though. Just hold your head high and stay positive. Easy for me to say, right? You are normally the one telling me that! I bet that auditor loved you - even if you couldn't see straight! Also, I must confess that I am that unmotivated gym partner. . .only not yours. I do not enjoy it at all! Chin up girlfriend ;) cooler days are coming!

  2. Luckily she was an auditor I had dealt with in 08' and was very nice and I had everything prepared and ready for her so that was a good thing for sure!

  3. Sorry your week isn't going well. Maybe we can do lunch at the end so you can have at least one positive of the week. Love you!

  4. Well GNO is tomorrow night so that will be a positive! Love you too!!
