Friday, March 18, 2011

Ok so I am going to try and do better on my postings.  My last post was a lot to catch up on and a lot to read so maybe if I am better at the updates it wont be so overwhelming...LOL  

Let's see last weekend was a little hectic to say the least.  I cleaned all night Friday night.  Well I had cleaned out closets and tossed all this stuff on the guest bed with the intentions of trying it on and having a keep pile and a toss pile.  Well I decided to change my ways, if I could not remember the last time I wore it, it went straight to the TOSS pile!   Needless to say I ended up with a BIG toss pile but when all was said and done my guest room was clean once again and I was exhausted.  Saturday morning I got up and went with my friend John to look at  stuff for his house.  He bought a house and has not started buying furniture or anything yet!  Well I thought he was going to by like towels, pictures, ya know that sort of thing.  Nope, we decided he was going to replace the sink and cabinet in the small bath and paint the walls (a good color but none the less not what I would have thought he would pick) and everything.  Of course, now he has decided on a color, tore the sink and cabinet out and now I think is scratching his head wondering "WTH was I thinking".  Ha ha I understand as well as anyone this can all be overwhelming.  Of course I tackled and entire house before I moved in to it so I suggested one room at a time would be a good route.  We will see how it goes...LOL  After that I went straight back to the house and started dinner as I had company coming.  Saturday evening I did have to deal with one of those "situations" from my previous post.  Geesh, it was more difficult to deal with than I had thought but at the same time I knew it was necessary so you do what you have to do.  It was heartbreaking though without going into details that is the best way to put it; heartbreaking.  It has been a long week as far as that goes but I just have to have faith that in the end it will all be OK.  Some things just have to happen and you have to hope for the best.  I am hoping.  I had another that I think felt a little "brushed off" and that was totally my fault so I have done my best to address that as well and hopefully it will all work out fine as well.

Sunday I got up, made breakfast, visited a bit.  Then it was time to bake a cake and head off to mamaw's for Donna & Darla's birthday lunch.  Everything was good and the day went smoothly which I was very grateful for.  The cake was super yummy, I just wished I had saved more for myself....HA HA!  Monday I was busy, busy it seemed.  I had some appoints spread through the day and such so the day went by pretty quickly!  This week has been a long week at work but thankfully today is Friday!  I have been at this same place for 9 years today, crazy to think that.  

Before ( * iPod pics so  not the clearest)
So I decided Tuesday it was time to get my hair trimmed and I was seeing one too many greys when I looked in the mirror each day so I called and made a hair appointment.  Around 10pm or so Wed night I decided I would try going back to red.  Of course I had a color in mind but my hair has been DARK for like 6+  years so it is going to take some effort to get to that exact stage I am looking for.  Of course, it just randomly worked out that I went red for St. Patrick's Day so I thought what better day!   LOL  When I just look in the mirror it is odd to me I don't see that much of a change in the color but side by side the color difference is much more clear.  Back in 97' (after my mother had accidentally made me a blonde!) I went to "ruby red" it was quite bold and I adjusted it a bit but then I kept the red for quite sometime.  Who knows, I could have the same hair in 6 weeks or totally different again....we shall see.   ;o)

After ( * iPod pics so  not the clearest)
 I have really made no major plans for this weekend although I do think I am going to just take some quite time.  No cleaning, no drama, none of that stuff.  I do have some web work that I need to get done but I will spread it out.  Saturday afternoon I think I may be going to Knoxville to do a couple things.  Anyway, there is a brief update on the past week so hopefully I will continue to do better at updating this year!

"He seemed to be talking about my fears, my insecurity, and my unwillingness to see what was wonderful because tomorrow it might disappear and I might suffer. 

The gods throw the dice, and they don't ask whether we want to be in the game or not."

~Paulo Coelho

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