Friday, July 9, 2010

I am sharing this with everyone!

This was passed along to me and
I felt the need to share it.

Subject: jennifer's Baccalaureate MD Speech

My daughter jennifer was honored to present a short graduation speech on behalf of the medical school this past weekend. For those who are not familiar with Loma Linda, it is the last Christian medical school in the country. They pride themselves in trying to do God's work by incrementally relieving suffering sending many of their doctors to missionary hospital in 3rd world countries before it became vogue to do so. It is about sacrifice, praying with their patients and tending to the sick and dying. This past year she was in Haiti tending to hundreds of patients each day in her tent clinic as the only doctor many would ever see. She ate once a day and lost ten pounds (90#) and was sad to leave with so much suffering unattended. Her lead translator passed out and discovered he had not eaten in three days so the staff could eat. Many do not understand Christian sacrifice.  Here is jennifer's short speech at graduation:


3 minute Baccalaureate Speech 5/29/10

Good morning. My name is Jennifer Jung, and it is my pleasure to be here today

What I want to share with you this morning is something very simple.  It is a story of redemption through the eyes of a medical student. And I pray this will bless you.

My story begins with a very sick heroine addict who was my patient.  Let’s say her name was Rachel.   She was a thin woman, with knotted unwashed hair, and areas were her muscle had wasted away from her heroine injection sites.  She was homeless, her family had disowned her.  She had out of control untreated hepatitis C- and this infection was likely going to kill her.

Every day a quiet man would visit her.  I found out that he was her husband of many years, the father of her children before heroine took over her life.  It seemed that she had treated him badly so we were shocked that he had come back for her over and over again. However it occurred to me that he deeply loved her.  

As I consider Love, I remember that there is a mighty God who created me. He gives every breath and heartbeat as a gift. I owe my life to him.  And He desires to have a love relationship with me, as well as with all of you.  Like this husband, God has this crazy loyal Love for us.

And there’s more.  You see, I am like Rachel.  I also am very sick.  The Bible says all people are born with sin, a darkness in our hearts that compels us to run away from God.  And this sin is just like an infection that will inevitably kill us no matter how good we try to be.

The Bible says that the consequences for sin is death. It’s a spiritual death-  divorce from the source of life, God. We are in need of saving because our souls have a death sentence.

You thought I was going to talk about something positive, right? But this all sounds like bad news.  The good news is that God has a plan for saving our lives.

When I was a freshman medical student I spent two weeks working with babies born with heart defects, several of whom needed heart transplants. It was sobering to realize that the only way for them to live was for another child to die. It reminded me of how God chose to save all of us.  By substitution.  He offers us heart transplants through his sinless son, Jesus Christ.

There is giant cross that lights up at night on the medical center, it’s a statement that Jesus died on a cross in our place, as a substitution for a death that sinners deserved.  And he did this so we could be freely forgiven of our sins and be reunited with him forever. He did this because of His crazy Love for us.
So many years ago, I came to God as a sick woman, in need of saving, and I laid down my broken life, and he gave me new one. It is free to me but it cost him everything. This is the gospel.

Tomorrow, I will graduate as physician. And of everything in this world that I know, this is what I have learned is most important.

Thank you.

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