Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday.......Thank the LORD!

So very thankful that it is finally Friday!  It has been a very long week.  I have had guys working at the house all week so I really have not been getting in or settled until about 8:30 each night....makes for very long days!  I am excited though.  Ever since I bought the house I have disliked all that dingy blue/gray wood all around the house and the matching gutters.  Yuck!  It always looks dirty.  So, when all is said and done it is going to be a pretty, clean/ bright white that not to mention I will not have to paint every year...Wooo Hooo! The picture is the carport.  You can see a little to the left and of course the door are still the old dingy blue/gray wood and then the pretty new white is all around!  I think I am going to feel much better when I look at it and see Clean!  I hope to get some landscaping done this year as well but I will just have to wait and see what my budget allows for.  One thing at a time, right?  I guess I should first paint that awful door white to match everything else this weekend...LOL  Another busy weekend ahead it seems.  As soon as I get off today I am headed to Johnson City for dinner with friends.  Tomorrow morning I will be missing my workout but that is OK.  I will be picking my nephew Jearmy up in the morning and taking him over to WSCC for a Karate class.  Something he has been interested in and so hopefully he will enjoy it!  I have a friend that helps teach the class so he is going to work with him so he is not just thrown into it.  Sunday I am taking my sister, her beau, Starla and Jeramy and we are all to the new Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge.  The company I work for worked on the project so I guess I have more on an interest in it than your average local but I think it will be a great and fun learning experience for all of us.  It never hurts to learn something new for sure.  Jeramy is a lot like me in the sense he can totally get stuck watching the history channel and stuff like that.  I love museums of any sort.  It has been a quite day so far in the office which is just what I needed after such a long week!  The nice man that mows my lawn called me back this morning to let me know he made sure to mow around the bunny nest!  ;o)  The gutter guys were not able to save my little bird eggs so I am thrilled the bunnies are safe!  ha ha  I know, I am silly, it's just me.  It is supposed to rain for the next week starting tonight so I am hoping that it really gets the pollen under control so I can enjoy being outside more.  

Graice loves laying out on the porch but she refuses to stay outside alone....really, she is a strange little girl, mom says, "she doesn't even know she is a dog!".  
Oh well maybe so, I love her none the less!
Anyway, I think it is about lunch time and I am for whatever reason totally starved today!  I will try and continue to be good about updating this thing.  Hope everyone is having a beautiful Friday!  Of course, I will leave a daily quote below the pics!  

"Do you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background?

Makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you.

How many moments of other people’s lives have we been in?

Were we a part of someone’s life when their dreams came true?

Or were we there when their dreams died?

Did we keep trying to get in as is if we were somehow destined to be there?

Or did the shot take us by surprise?

Just think. You could be a big part of someone else’s life and not know it."

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