Thursday, April 22, 2010

So....I said I would get to this one.....

“The first time someone shows themselves to you, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

I came across this one day and wow....hit me like a ton of bricks.  If I look back on some various relationships in my life that have failed for one reason or another be it friendships or romantic relationships I can totally see this.  I am not the most trusting person or most willing to let others in but when I do I normally jump.  I go into it and always try and see the best in others.  I give second chances, and third and forth and so on.  I think had I fully recognized these individuals for who they were the first time they really showed me and acted accordingly I could have prevented a lot of the pain and hurt feelings I have dealt with.  

I make statements all the time about children and how they see things....A friend of mine, her little girl one time said to her, "Mom, why is he always so mean to you?" speaking of the man she was seeing at the time.  Well my friend started with all the excuses and reasons for his behavior (he is tired, stressed, long day at work) rather than just seeing him for who he was.  As adults we tend to make excuse and try to reason when it comes to everything.  Children have these fresh eyes and sometimes they hit the nail on the head because they simply just see "it".  Who we are, how we act, the don't make excuses, they don't try to reason.  In the end in this situation she child was correct.  He showed himself and the little girl believed him.  Didn't matter the excuses, reasons or flowers that showed up the next day.

All of this of course sort of leads into the next part of this.....

Spring Cleaning!

It is that time of year.  We start cleaning out our closets, our garages, basements, our cabinets, our spare rooms and well any thing else that seems to continually collect things.  Well along with all of those things that we grow out of, things that are no longer good for us, I have come to the conclusion that we need to occasionally do a little spring cleaning in our lives.  Strange thought to some maybe....I mean really, we decide that smoking, staying out late, too much partying, spending too much money is bad for us and we make changes accordingly.  I have always sort of thought that when it comes to people that you shouldn't burn bridges.  I have not changed my thought on that I have just decided that just as with bad habits, junk and materials things (we all have that one pair of pants we think will miraculously fit one day as well as they did 5-10 years ago) that 

"Maybe some friendships aren’t meant to be saved. maybe we’re meant to spend a certain part of our life with certain people…and then move on."


Sometimes we are simply just holding on to certain relationships in our lives because we feel we have to or because they have been around for so long.  We don't want to cause hurt feelings or seem like we are giving up.  When you have exhausted all other options, when you find that this relationship seems to do you more harm that good I think it is time to move on.  Change is just a part of life in every aspect.  I am not saying burn bridges or hurt people's just learn to "Let Go".  I have trouble with this myself but that is part of 2010 for me.  Learning to Let Go.  Much easier said than done for me.  I am so not a fan of it but I realize now that sometimes it just needs to be done.  Hence the phrase....Spring Cleaning!  Sounds like a good time to start......

 Spring is no doubt in the air!  :o)


  1. I love you and I'm very glad you haven't cleaned me out of your life. You are a special gal and I love you like a sister. I'm glad we are friends and I hope we aren't just in each others lives for a season or two.

  2. I <3 you too Juliebean! I am very thankful for our friendship!

  3. so true serenity, sometimes you just need to let go on certain relationships.

  4. Your post just slapped me in the face! I am so guilty of not letting go, or just hanging on for convenience. Once I get up enough nerve, I'm letting go! :)

  5. I do the exact same thing Christie! I have to really work at it. It is for sure a goal of mine. I have a very hard time letting go. In the past weeks I have backed off to friendships that had really become more one sided and just not good for me all together. It took a lot for me to do it but I needed to!
