Thursday, May 5, 2011

It just seems to be a very long week.  I think I said yesterday that it was dragging a long like a fat bag of bricks! No joke!  It has just been one of those weeks.  My ability to procrastinate with certain things seems to be beating me at the moment.  I really need to get it in gear.  I need to get my  house cleaned.  I need to get the weeds taken care of under the porch before they consume me.  I need to find a way to clear my mind, to relax, to just be.  I need a BREAK!  I feel like I have just has so much going on.  I actually overslept Monday morning...this is simply not something I do.  I don't recall the last time I had a decent night's sleep but if I had to guess it might have happened then, had I not had to get up of course.  I find myself lately forgetting things or overlooking simple things, this is not my nature.  I don't forget anything and I am overly observant.  I don't feel like I have been lately though. 

I always seem to have a million different things on my mind.  Some things stick and some slowly, over time fall away. Gotta clear my mind.

I read this and it just seems to be resonating with me right now for whatever reason.

Sometimes you have to say no to the good,

so that you can say yes to the better

~ thanks for that amylee

So we are approaching a holiday and in typical, spoiled, unappreciative fashion this individual I often speak of is already complaining about what they will or will not be getting for Mother's day.  I mean good lord, give it a rest already.  Someone said "Hell, what's it matter, no matter what he gets you he will be in trouble. It is either not enough or too much or not the right 'fit' or too cheap or to expensive."  LMAO!  I don't think she took too much to that but seriously that is exactly what it is.  I get so tired or such ungrateful asses.  With all that has happened these past couple weeks, with people in our own community that have lost everything they own, some have lost loved ones and you are really going to continue to be such a pompous ass.  WOW....It just never ceases to amaze me, the behavior of others who seem to live in their own little world.  I mean really, The Truman Show was just a movie.  The world simply just does not revolve solely around you. Of course these are also the types of people that when something goes wrong in "their world" they expect everyone to stop, drop everything and devote themselves to them.  Not going to happen.

Maybe SHE should take a moment to look at the images below.  20 minutes or so from where we live and work.  Yes we have dented cars, cracked/broken glass, tress and shrubs that had seen better days but come on, you can't look at these images and really tell me any of us have a damn right to be complaining about material things in life. 

Camp Creek Community in Greene County Tennessee.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, 
nor the most intelligent that survives. 
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change"

~ Charles Darwin


  1. I hope you have a great Mother's Day! And booo on that person that is so self-absorbed, arrghhh! Say a prayer for them ;)

  2. You are so sweet Amy, you too! Love ya!
