Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Hummingbird.....Yea...I will get to that in a bit....

Before I start, please continue to pray for Ethan Raines, 13; Hannah Allison, 8; and Abby Raines, 2.  They all start their numerous surgeries this week and next.  The mother actually went to school with my sister.  Small world!  They still have a long road ahead for sure.

Work was OK today.  It was payroll days so I was busy until I left.  Helps the day go by more quickly.  Then we had Girls Night Out again.  I think it is a good idea.  By mid week everyone really needs a break for sure!  It was Me, Linda, Terri, Sally, Mom and Lisa.  We had a blast and I think most of us will giggle every time we walk into a Weigles for quite some time.  (inside thing, but it is all mom's fault)  

Today was once again crazy hot!  It is just absurd.  I am so, so ready for fall.  Here it is 10pm and it is still 85 outside.  I sat outside for a bit.  See I have several hummingbirds that seemed to have nested in the trees in my back yard.  I love hummingbirds.  I always try and catch a shot of them when I can but this year they have sort of taunted me.  I mean they buzz by so quickly one actually hit my hair today at lunch.  It is just crazy.  They never have gotten that close in the past.  These are small babies and even when you see them in the tress it is really hard to get a shot of them.  They are so beautiful though.  There is 1 that is so pretty and shimmery and sort of reminds you of the colors in a peacock.  There are 2 that are mostly black and have these bright red patches on their chests.  Don't recall seeing them in the past.  Anyway, I didn't get a good shot as these have been very tricky but I did finally catch one today.....LOL   I wish I had been ready for it, I would have zoomed in!  Crazy little critter.

So, now that you have gotten your giggles out of my adventures in hummingbird hunting I think it is time for me to call it a night!  Hope everyone had a terrific Thursday!

From scarlet to powdered gold,
to blazing yellow,
to the rare
ashen emerald,
to the orange and black velvet
of your shimmering corselet,
out to the tip
that like
an amber thorn
begins you,
small, superlative being,
you are a miracle,
and you blaze


From "Ode to the Hummingbird" 
Pablo Neruda (1904 - 1973)

1 comment:

  1. ok birds flying right past my head would terrify me!! you are brave ;) thanks for reminding everyone to pray for the kids!
