Monday, August 16, 2010

A Year.....

So, August 15th 2009 was the day I officially moved into my new house.  August 16th was the first night I actually stayed there.  It has been such a journey.  If you ask my life long friend Geoff what is the one thing I have wanted for about the past 14 years....he would say, "She wants to own her own home.  She is very stubborn and financially is set on doing it, on her own."  My mother could tell you something similar I am sure.  I refused all of the thoughts and ideas of roommates and renting before buying and all that stuff.  I had my mind set and I wasn't going to settle regardless of how much it frustrated me at times.  My wonderful agent, Joyce, also my beautiful mother had me go through the whole pre-approval process and everything.  Frustrating but glad I did it.  I was very set on the area I wanted to live in as well.  I wanted Talbott area. Nice, clean, not crowded but also costing a little more and offering a little less as not much stays available in the area for long.  So we looked and checked things out and I was repeatedly disappointed in what I was being given to work with.  I was still set on an area and wasn't going to give up though.  I was driving home for lunch one day and right there in subdivision we were living in I passed a house that had a chair in the front yard and white letters posted all over the windows.  I knew these were not there that morning so I better check this out asap.  I called Joyce and asked her to see what she could find out.  Geesh...a note on finding something in Talbott, although the letters had just been posted mom was the 4th agent to call about the house already. (told you Talbott was a popular area)  So it took a couple weeks before they could get a price set on the house and allow agents to show it.  Of course driving by it a couple times a day I thought it was more like months....yes, impatience was setting in.  So, we finally got the call we could see it and we rushed to make arrangements to get a earnest check (which was required when making an offer) and I met mom, dad and my sister at the house as soon as I got off work.  I was ready to make the offer, had the papers drawn up already and everything.  I remember walking in and before I had even made it through the entire house I just stopped for a minute, my sister looked over and said, "Oh no, don't!, she is going to cry!" Yes, that is exactly what happened.  It was just this overwhelming feeling that I just knew this was the house for me and yet at the same time more than overwhelmed about the amount of work that was going to be required even before I could move in.  I mean I could afford what they were asking but I could not afford what they were asking and to make the home livable at the same time.  I was just devastated.  I had all of these different things and thoughts coming at me as well as my own.  Mom felt sure we could work something out, dad (stubborn and mind you not an agent) was dead set that we could find something wonderful and move in ready for the same price in the same area.  Mom and I knew this was crazy but we set out the next couple weeks (impatiently sitting on the offer for the home and just waiting....) looking at homes in the same area for the same price.  Dad quickly came around to the fact that it was just not as easy, cut and dry as he assumed.  I had some things working in my favor, yes in fall of 2008 the economy was on a huge downhill slide.  There were a lot of people with money and a desire to down size or make a move.  The issue for them, most of the people in this situation were in need of a place to move in within 30 days and with the work required this was just not going to happen for most.  I on the other hand had no deadline, no time to be out.  I was pretty open as far as that goes.  After a month we finally started making so pretty low ball offers.  I mean we were dealing with a bank, we were not going to hurt an individuals feelings and we knew exactly what was owed on the home.  The bank was a little difficult.  Instead of 24 hours between counter offers they ran more like 72 hours.  In the middle of negotiations they changed their agent requiring us to pretty much start all over.  A process that should not have taken more than a few days took weeks!  WOW...Talk about stressful.  Finally everything got worked out, closing came around and the work could start.  I could not help myself, I went and started cutting up the awful vinyl in the kitchen as soon as I got the key.  I had all this stuff in mind, I mean I had already designed my new kitchen before we even had an offer accepted.  I was ready!  My wonderful family chipped in.  We stripped wallpaper, primed, painted, tore down walls, replaced sub floor, tore out all the cabinets, electrical outlets, light fixtures, I mean we just gutted it.  It took 9 months of working every weekend and most evenings.  Donna and Darla helped strip wallpaper and paint on Mondays (the day the Shoppe is closed).  It was so much work and everything was done paycheck to paycheck after the mortgage and bills were paid.  I purchased blinds a couple at a time.  I even bought base board and shoe mold a few pieces at a time as it all had to be replaced.  Finally I got moved in on a Saturday but I was so exhausted I couldn't move my bathroom so I slept on mom's living room floor that night...LOL  Sunday was my first night there and the evening was a little difficult for all.  I mean it had just been my mom and I since I was 16!  I remember her telling me to come get my pajamas and I got there and she hands them to me at the door and says good night and stuff and I head home.....she called my aunt and sister and said "She just took her stuff and left" *tears to follow*.  Well hello, you handed me my stuff and the door and said good night, what was I supposed to do?  Needless to say I don't think anyone got much rest that night.  In the winter I got new windows which I needed so very much and in the spring I had all new gutters, soffit and vinyl put in around the carport and house.  Made a huge difference.  I am always seeing something that got missed (I am told this will never change) or something that has settled.  There seems to be a bad seam in the main bathroom that will need to be prepared in the sheetrock so I guess I will be repainting that wall in the near future.  At the same time I sit back and I see things that remind me that it was blood, sweat and tears of myself and those I truly love and could not live without that went into making this house my home, not some strangers.  The scratch in my floor from moving day, the 3 places where I managed to hit the ceiling with the roller when painting even though dad had already trimmed (tried to cover them up but they still show to me) they all just add to the character of the home and remind me daily of all the hard work and love that went into making it a home, my home.
There really are times that I sit back and the reality is still setting in a year later.  Sometimes I walk to the fence in the back yard and just look back at it.  It is something that deep down I was just never sure I would accomplish no matter how much I truly wanted it.  I am reminded daily just being there as well how blessed and lucky I am to have such a wonderful and amazing support system in my family.  I can't imagine a world without them nor would I ever want to.  I am so lucky when there are so many others out there that don't have that wonderful supportive family.  I love them all so much!!  I am so thankful for having them in my life each and every day!



"Call it a clan, call it a network, 
call it a tribe, call it a family.  
Whatever you call it, whoever you are, 
you need one." 

~Jane Howard


  1. I'm so proud of all the work you put into your home. It is a beautiful place and I'm glad you finally have a place of your own. I love you!

  2. Thank you Juliebean, that really means a lot! I love you too!

  3. What an awesome transformation!! You have done an excellent job. You should be very proud of yourself :)
