Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh my.....YAY for short weeks!  I sure do need this long weekend coming up.  I am so, so ready for it!  Friday night I was really  just drained and decided to do nothing....Saturday I had lunch with my pirate friend down at Black Oak.  There was such a nice breeze I really could have sat there by the water all day long.  Of course as soon as I hit the top of the hill the breeze was no more.  I ran a few errands and then home for a bit.  We had a cookout at Sally's Sat night.  Sunday was really a lazy day!  I went to the grocery store early then home to do laundry, catch up on some shows and well spent a lot 
of time in these-------->
<3 my fuzzy ugg flops!

Yes, I even let my happy self where them to mom's house for dinner...ha ha ha

Um..that's OK, it's a Rental! 
So yesterday I dropped my car off to have the side painted where a sheet of steel fell on it back in Feb.  The rental car guy was 30 minutes late and then refused to drive over 40 so almost 90 minutes later I was back at work.  This is now my new ride for the next few weeks...better to put miles on it than mine though...he he he  Elizabeth & Michael will totally get that caption under the rental.  :o)

Had a good lunch catching up with a friend and then back to the office.  After work I worked on my ads that I am looking to have out in October. (Total of 2, for two different local publications).  Thank you to my dear friend Susan Peterson for letting me steal a pic of her darling little girl to use in my ad.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Then I got dinner ready but decided to go walk for a bit before eating.  It was not as hot as it has been but I would still like it to be a bit cooler for sure!  Today I got to work, no internet at first and then the realization that it was the 31st of the month and I had for the first time ever just flat out forgotten to get the tag renewed for my car.  After a brief moment of "Oh crap" style panic I then recalled that I am not driving my car.  Dropped it at the shop where nobody will be driving it so luckily it is all good!  ha ha ha  Now, I just gotta remember to get that done after the long weekend so I will have it when I do get my car back!  I decided to go for the "good start" this morning and had a big huge apple for breakfast when I got to work.  I mean really, they are supposed to be filling and give you energy....I am afraid it has done neither.  BOO!  It is only 10:30 and I am like starved....this is just nuts!  

I am still working on Race for the Cure.  I am at 41% of my fund raising goal right now but still have a way to go.  Every single $1 helps and is so very much appreciated.  You can Click Here To Support Me In Race For The Cure all donations go directly to the Komen Foundation and are tax deductible.

Well that is the update for now kiddos.  I will be happy to share more when I have more.  :o)  I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far....just keep telling your self..."It's a short week!"   "It's a short week!"   "It's a short week!"   "It's a short week!"

"There are new words now that excuse everybody. 
Give me the good old days of heroes and villains, 
the people you can bravo or hiss. 
There was a truth to them that all the 
slick credulity of today cannot touch."

~ Bette Davis


  1. Drive it wherever and how ever far you want...miles are free on the rental! Too bad I don't have time off right now for a road trip! :)

    And already at 41% is great for Race for the Cure...remember I will donate 10% of my profits from your Premier Jewelry show to your fundraiser!

  2. Oh my, we took that montero everywhere! I remember him running over that curb and is it was real quite...Oh that's OK, it's a rental! LMAO! That was such a fun trip.

    10% for Race for the Cure....I know! YAY! I am going to set up my facebook page for it I think we week after I get back from vacay! I got the catalog scanned in too, just have to get it shrunk down for emailing now.

  3. Thanks Tiff! Hmmm Maybe I should add that to my website.... Ad Design. :o)
